
Stress-less: Developing the Serenity of Nature

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Stress-less: Developing the Serenity of Nature


Stress. It's an underlying factor of human nature that influences many of our thoughts, moods and actions. Stress can tire you out mentally, emotionally, and in certain cases even physically.

It's not something to be taken lightly, and one of the main reasons that people find themselves so stressed in modern society is because they have problems identifying what exactly causes their stress.

For the others, they know what's wrong but have no idea how to fix any of their problems. Neither mindset is healthy to have, and tend to lead to things like depression and disassociation with life itself.

A mind burdened by the heavy weight of stress finds itself without the energy to efficiently tackle life's day to day transgressions. Sometimes we find ourselves without the strength or stamina to lift our burdens ourselves, and may be assisted by a helping hand.

This may be that hand you need to lift the weight off your shoulders & be free from the shackles of your burden.

Inside you will find:

  • An Introduction to the topic:

Stress is something that may seem easy to understand (After all, it's just that feeling you get when things aren't going your way right) but in actuality it's not as simple as it seems.

People can be stressed whether they're happy, sad, angry, whether things are going great for them in life or they're at rock bottom. 

It's not something that just makes people sad or causes them to do bad things, stress can actually be used positively to help steer your life towards your goals. Stress can be in the form of a weight that burdens you, or rails that keep you focused on the finish line.

People often pay therapists thousands of dollars trying to understand exactly what it is that stresses them out, but all they really need to do is take a deeper look at themselves. Their life, their past experiences & traumas & mindsets, what has been ingrained into them as life goals and long-term mindsets.

It may seem like a simple topic to most, and you may not think it's that serious to where you have to really worry about it having a noticeable effect on you & your mood. If so, this book may not be for you.

3 Main Sections:

  • Mental Magic - Becoming the master of your own emotions.

The mind is everything. It is the steering wheel that powers your drive, and the main influence on everything in this world.

Everything you see, everything you think, is ran through what I like to call "The Ideological Lens" and is why you see & do things the way you do.

Very few people break free from the lines and learn to look at life as a whole without including their own subjective biases into the mix.

People grow with societal influences ingrained into them which often see them to look at things through a bubble, which isn't how most of the world works.

The "Get good grades - Get into a good College - Get a degree & a high paying job - Work until you retire - Enjoy the rest of your life" mindset is one. Doesn't this sound boring?

Who wants to wait until they're old and hacking up a lung before they can really start enjoying life? I know I don't.

Mental stress often forms due to how the Ideological Lens affects us and our views on the world, and doesn't have to be something that embraces you in a feeling of self-pity and victim-hood.

As long as you think you can do no better than you are, you won't be able to.

  • Prophet of Profit - Money Making Strategies anyone can use.

Money. Your personal feelings of it aside, I can't say there is a single person on earth who can say they'd rather not have disposable income than to have it.

Financial freedom is often seen as that long sought after but hardly attainable light at the end of the tunnel. It's seen as the carrot at the end of the stick tied to a rabbit's head (If you don't get the metaphor think about it for a second).

In all actuality... it's not.

The average household income for the U.S. was $41,850 in 2017, the last year the Census Bureau reported it

That's That's $116 dollars It won't necessarily be easy, it won't be quick or overnight, but there are ways that you can create a side hustle that grows to making you an extra $100 a day a month.

That's it. Don't take to mean anything demeaning either, but that's all you need to have more than the average person. An extra $100 a day can be the difference between you struggling, and thriving.

It can be the reason you aren't evicted on a bad month, the reason you can pay your car insurance when times fall hard, the safety net keeping you from hitting the rocks at the absolute bottom.

You know when it can't?

When you refuse to acknowledge the possibility that it can.

When you refuse to believe that you have the ability, the skills, the talents or whatever it is holding you back.

When you are burdened by the stress of (the feelings of) mediocrity and inadequacy.

When you believe in Prosperity, you are able to achieve it. When you believe in mediocrity, you will never achieve anything more. You set your own limits, and you are your own ceiling.

  • Social Interaction for Dummies - Not letting people control the way you act & think.

Manipulation. It's something that people fall prey to every day in a variety of situations. People are manipulated into spending money, into staying in one-sided relationships, into beliefs and mindsets and lifestyles. It's extremely easy to get over on someone who isn't watching for it in the first place, and there is where people often make their first mistake.

To be on guard isn't to be some closed off shell, unable to allow any type of vulnerability or emotion to be shown to everyone. To be on guard simply means that you have a grasp on what it is and why it is you do it. It means being sure you're doing things for your own best interests (even if those interests in some cases help others more than you) and living the life you want to lead.

It's easy for people to take advantage of others nowadays. 

Love, Status, Power, Fame, Withholding of Good Fortune - all very common and  highly wanted tactics that people themselves strive to be able to use in their daily lives.

Knowing how people use things like Mimetic Desire (A term explaining why high status low quality items are so highly revered nowadays) as well as Shiny Object Syndrome and a host of other manipulation strategies I discuss will enable you to properly guard against them.

The #1 way to defend against someone's tactics, is to understand yourself how they are used. Social interaction works this way - The longer you let the way others feel about you guide your thoughts, moods and emotions, the farther you will be from a state of true serenity.

  • Effective Strategies to Reduce Stress & Prevent Additional Stressors

I can't write an entire book giving my opinions on stress without including some practical advice on how to combat it right?

The main part of reducing stress is identifying what and why it is that you're stressed in the first place.

Has your upbringing reduced you to a vain shell of a person, constantly seeking money or sex or compassion to fill an empty hole you feel inside?

Do the views you hold of the world, formed from mediums where the people you interact with can barely affect you, keep you from truly experiencing how great it can be?

Do you let things in that would be better suited to put up a shield against?

Do you deny entry to things you should be welcoming to your kingdom with open arms?

Either way, whatever it is that ails you may not affect you forever, and for that you can rest assured it will be overcome. 

There is no use spending the time hating yesterday when you can use today to build a tomorrow that you love. 

Together, we can build that tomorrow. See you inside the pages. 📖

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Available on February 7, 2019 at 8:00 PM

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